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Unlock Your Dreams: Manifestation Law of Attraction Guide

Manifestation Law of Attraction

I want to share secrets about the Manifestation Law of Attraction in this post.

At birth, every person is equipped with a powerful tool that allows him to shape his life according to his ideas: the mind.

In what feels like every second article on this blog, I write about how important your thoughts are.

After reading this article, you will know why I keep pounding on it.

Because your thoughts determine your reality.

They are the most important tools we have to create our reality. Our thoughts are the beginning of our actions, which in turn affect our results and thus our lives.

The power of our thoughts over us has long been proven in medicine with the placebo effect: drugs without an active ingredient help in many cases just as efficiently against illness as drugs with an active ingredient – as long as the patient assumes that they are taking a correct drug with an active ingredient.

So our thoughts are so powerful that they can even affect the body!

This is a powerful manifestation law of attraction secret.



Everyone happens according to their beliefs

If you believe that you are a game ball of life and cannot change your circumstances, it will be so.

However, if you believe that you can create your reality with your thoughts and consciously choose to take charge of your life and make your dreams come true, that is exactly what will happen.

Everything easy …?

So if we want to shape our lives according to our ideas, we only have to control our thoughts.

But what sounds so simple in theory is not so easy in practice.

If you understand that your thoughts determine your reality and want to start using them consciously to realize your ideas and wishes, you will encounter two challenges:


1. Knowing what you think

Do you know what you think all day long? What percentage of your thoughts are you aware of at all?

Most of the time we don’t notice what we think. To be able to control our thoughts, the first step is to become aware of them at all.

There are different possibilities for this. A good way to watch your thoughts is through meditation.

You can read more about this in this article.


2. Unconscious, negative beliefs

But even the masters of observing their thoughts remain largely hidden.

The reason is very simple we are not aware of all of our thoughts – a very large part of them runs automatically and unconsciously.

These so-called beliefs form throughout our lives based on the experiences we make and the sentences that surround us – be it parents, teachers or other authority figures – and we keep talking to ourselves – until we believe in them and them to anchor deeply in our subconscious.

These beliefs can be both positive and therefore helpful for you, as well as negative and thus obstructive on your way.

Typical examples of negative beliefs are sentences like “I can’t do that”, “I’m not good at it”, “I’m not good enough”, “I don’t deserve that” and so on.

One way you can uncover and work through these beliefs is, for example,

The Work by Byron Katie *. I already did that in the article “Why you don’t reach your goals” mentioned.

That stops your manifestation law of attraction.


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A Guide to Manifestation Law of Attraction

In the first part of this series, you learned that through the power of your thoughts, you can create anything you want in your life.

Now you will receive a concrete guide with four steps from me, on how you can use the law of attraction for yourself to manifest your wishes and dreams – whether about relationships, money material or health.

Here are the manifestation law of attraction steps.  Are you ready?


1. Define wish

The first step in the manifestation law of attraction of your wish fulfilment is to define that wish.

You have to be clear about what you want. Let us assume that you are single and would like to draw your dream partner into your life.

In this case, the first step is to picture yourself exactly how he or you should be.

The more detailed, the better.

Of course, you can dream of the look but don’t forget the character, how he or she deals with you and how you feel about it.

The more specific, the better. If you want, you can also give the universe some leeway by adding the phrase “or something better” to your wish.

A very important point is that you do not formulate your wish as a wish, but as if you already have it. 

Instead of “I would like to find my dream man / my dream woman” it says: “I have my dream man / my dream woman at my side”.

Otherwise, your wish may just remain a wish.

You should also note that you use positive formulations since the universe knows no “not”. 

So if you want health, you shouldn’t think “I don’t want to get sick”, but rather put it this way: “I’m healthy”.

It is sufficient if you express your wish correctly in your head or speak out loud. However, it is even better if you write it down. You can also make a vision board from old newspapers or record your wish.


2. Visualize desire

Now you have clearly defined what your wish looks like.

The next step is to visualize it. Your thoughts are the most important tool for successfully pulling something into your life, but also emotions.

Only when your thoughts and emotions are on a wave will your wish become manifest.

The good thing is that you can influence your emotions through your thoughts!

Now is the time when you can allow yourself to dream. Imagine what your life will be like when your wish has become a reality.

How does it feel to be with your dream man/dream woman? What are you doing?

The more excited you become and the more you feel the anticipation for the event, the better.

Visualizations work best if you do them in the morning after waking up, in the evening before falling asleep or during your meditation (you can read why I am such a fan of meditation here ).

Correct vision helps the law of attraction manifestation.


3. Trust and let go

As a third step, you can trust the universe, God, yourself or whoever will fulfil your wish as well (or better) and give up control.

Since you know that the law of attraction always works for everyone, you also know that you will get what you want. 

So you can let go and be thankful for the result today.

By the way, gratitude is the key to success: it leaves no room for negative emotions, so it acts as a catalyst to fulfil your wish even faster.

So be thankful that your dream comes true and sit back and relax.

At this point, it should also be mentioned that you should already act as if your wish has already been fulfilled. 

For example, if you wanted a lot of money, you should now act with the mindset of a rich man.

Instead of turning over every euro twice and using it sparingly (thereby signalling poverty to the universe), you can calmly spend your money with both hands and trust that it will come back to you.

I know that sounds paradoxical at first, but by generosity, you signal that you have enough money – exactly what you want to achieve.

And as we learned in step one, it is important that you already think and act as if your wish is already a reality.


4. Receive

The fourth and final step in manifesting is to receive your desired result.

If you did steps 1-3 correctly, sooner or later the universe will send you opportunities that you may or may not accept.

Be vigilant and pay attention to the signs.

Often the universe fulfils desires in a fun and ironic way that you would never have considered yourself.

For example, I wanted to work for a specific company for a long time and have even started taking a photo for each application in every country I travel to.

But when it became clear that I no longer wanted a full-time job, I rejected this idea.

At some point, when I had stopped thinking about it, a former colleague, who was now working for this company, suddenly came up to me and asked me if I would be interested in a freelancer job regardless of location.

Your company is looking for someone like that.

Ironically, she didn’t know that I originally wanted to apply to the company – and I didn’t know they were hiring freelancers!

But also be aware that the universe can only send you opportunities and will not (always) put you in the nest made. 

For example, if you manifest your dream job, it doesn’t mean that you will wake up one day and work in your dream company.

It can mean, for example, that you get the opportunity for an interview there or meet a person who later opens the doors to your dream employer as an important contact.

In my case, for example, my former colleague brought it to my attention, then applied for the job and mastered a two-stage application process until I finally got the freelance job for this company.


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Common Mistakes in Manifesting

Thanks to part 1 of this series, you understood that your thoughts determine your reality and followed the instructions for manifesting from part 2 exactly – and yet your wish did not become a reality?

This is probably because you ignored something and unconsciously blocked the manifestation law of the attraction process.

In this third and final part of the series on the Law of Attraction, I’ll tell you the most common mistakes people make when applying the law.


Mistake # 1: You swing too low

What many people do not know is that you can only receive on the same frequency as you are transmitting. 

Translated this means that to attract positive things, you have to radiate positive energy.

For example, if you want to manifest your dream partner but feel lonely all the time, it won’t work.

If you want to use the law of attraction to draw beautiful things into your life (which I strongly believe!),

You have to make sure you have high energy yourself. Because like attracts like!

What can help you get into a positive energy state is gratitude:

If you are already grateful for what you will pull into your life, you will automatically increase the frequency of your vibrations and it will be easier for you to manifest your wishes.


Mistake # 2: You are phrasing your wish incorrectly

I briefly mentioned it in the second article:

To manifest something allowed to use the law of attraction you do not wish, but you must already have or be.

I know that sounds a bit abstract now, but let me explain.

If you want something, it means that you do not have it, but would like to have it and are therefore dissatisfied – so you are automatically stuck in the lack of thinking.

But if you think that you already have something or that you already are, you are sending much more positive energy.

Our subconscious mind cannot differentiate between reality and imagination.

So if you think you already have something – even if it only exists in your thoughts – you will automatically attract it.

So, if the law of attraction doesn’t work for you, it may be because you are incorrectly phrasing your wish and actually “wanting” something, rather than formulating it in the present that you already have or are.


Mistake # 3: You have too many wishes

Wait a minute, do you think now, you said that I can have everything I want ?!

That is also true.

The universe knows no big or small – it doesn’t matter whether you want 100 euros or a million – both work equally if you apply the law of attraction correctly.

The problem, however, is our minds: you now know that your thoughts determine your reality.

And if your head tells you – consciously or unconsciously: 1 million euros, that’s not realistic – then you won’t be able to manifest it either. 

Hence my tip: Start with small wishes that you can believe will be fulfilled without any problems.

Then when you have your first successes and realize that the law of attraction works, you can venture into your bigger desires.


Mistake # 4: You don’t manifest a heart’s desire

Not every wish has the same level of energy.

We often try to use the law of attraction for an ego wish – but it has much less energy than a real heart desire, and it is much more difficult to manifest it.

Many people, when they get to know the law of attraction, try to manifest something material, either to quickly get “proof” that the law works or because they are too stuck in the ego and think they would be happier if, for example, they had a Ferrari.

But that is usually not the case. While the law works for material things as well as health or relationships, for example, you will only pull something into your life if it matters to you.

So if a Ferrari is your heart’s desire – great! Then the universe will find a way to send it to you.

However, if you only want a Ferrari to “test” the universe or to make your ex jealous, you won’t be vibrating at the frequency necessary to attract the Ferrari.


Mistake # 5: manifestation law of attraction – You doubt

Another reason why the Law of Attraction may not work is that you are consciously or unconsciously questioning it.

Regardless of whether you simply don’t believe in it, have a negative belief in yourself, that you are not worth it at all, or if you doubt the fulfilment of your wish in any other way: everyone happens according to their belief.

So if you’re not 100% convinced that the law of attraction works, it won’t work.


Mistake # 6: you can’t let go

For the universe to fulfil your wish, you have to let go of it at some point.

If you keep thinking about how your washing will manifest and try to influence the result, you block the process. 

You can already be grateful that your wish as it was formulated – or better – has been fulfilled. But how do you leave that to the universe?

Think of it as if the universe would like to give you a little surprise and don’t spoil it by constantly trying to imagine exactly when and where you’ll be surprised.

Maybe you just have to take a step back and avoid it so that your wish can come true.



Video – Manifestation Law of Attraction




Free Law of Attraction Video Series

If you are serious about changing your life for the better, I have a special gift for you.

It is a package called “.

This is a FREE training in 10 modules that are going to help you understand how the Law of Attraction works and how to benefit from applying it the right way.

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